Electronics Department Research
Remote control operated Lightning Lamp
Remote control operated Lightning Lamp
Department Research
Department Publication
Department Publication
Research Publications
- VR Kothavale,Rewarded for presentation at World Conference 2005 at Messe, Nurenburg,Germanyfor presentation on prototype of embedded instrument for detection of Tsunami and similar ocean water irregularities.
- VR Kothavale,Awarded with a trophy for securing 1strank for paper presentation at UGC sponsored National seminar organized by DayanandScience College, Latur on 19th 2011.
- VR Kothavale,Awarded with a trophy for securing 3rdrank for paper presentation atBCUD sponsored National seminar on Recent trends in network and mobile securityorganized by Ramkrishna More ACS College Akurdi, Pune on 22,23 & 24th2011.
Innovations in Curriculum design and transactions:
- VR Kothavale,(2018).Developed Remote control operated electronic lightning lamp (‘Samaii’) for inauguration purpose, launched during International Conference Frontiers in Life and Earth Science(FLES 2018) at Yashda, Pune.
Research Articles published in Journals:
- R Chatterjee, VR Kothavale,(2014). A Survey for Preliminary study of sleep/wake pattern in human using actiwatch. Photon International Journal of Electrical and Electronics 119, ISSN No. 3257-4068, 170-174 (Impact factor: 2.1).
- VR Kothavale, (2007). Temperature indication and measurement with multi-channel digital temperature indicator. Bioinfolet Vol. (4), 114-118.
Paper published in International Conference:
- VR Kothavale,(2012).Prototype of embedded instrument for security means. Presented a research paper at International Conference Changes in Commerce, Management, Engineering, Technology & Social Science jointly organized by Prof. Ramkrishna More ACSC, Pune and Choice College of A &C, Pune affiliated to SPPU at Kalasagar hotel, Pune on 27th 2012.
- VR Kothavale, R Chatterjee,(2012). Design and development of microcontrollerbased system to monitor and control the pertinent parameters in a greenhouse. Presented a research paper at International Conference Perspectives of computer confluence with sciences (ICPCCS2012) at Wadia College, Pune on 10th, 11th& 12th 2012.
- VR Kothavale,(2018). 4G Electronic prototype to detect Tsunami and similar ocean water irregularities.Frontiers in Life and Earth Science(FLES 2018).
Poster presented in International Conference:
- VR Kothavale,(2018). 4G Electronic prototype to detect Tsunami and similar ocean water irregularities.Presented poster in Frontiers in Life and Earth Science (FLES 2018) on 18-19 Jan. 2018.
Paper published in National Conference:
- PN Wani,VR Kothavale,(2014). Isolation of mitochondria and study of hydrogen ion concentration, absorption, and gamma radiation effects. Paper published in Advances in life sciences,ISBN no. 978-81-926340-3-6, 155-160.
- VR Kothavale,(2012).A passionating survey for promotion & protection of human rights in village ‘Diwad’ .A National level conference on Human Rights Theory & Practicesorganized at Shri Shiv Chhatrapati College, Bodkenagar, Junnar. Pune on 21st & 22nd2012, ISBN 978-93-81354-26-1, 89-91.
Paper presented in National Conference:
- VR Kothavale, (2014).Skirmishing cyber-crime that has assumed threatening ramifications. Presented a paper in 2-day National conferenceCyber security (CS 2016), Sponsored by BCUD SPPU at PDEA’s Waghire College, Saswad, Pune on 16thand 17th 2016.
Paper published in National Seminar:
- VR Kothavale,(2012).Virtual data center- a life beyond consolidation. National seminar Shadwal, ISBN 978-81-910118-2-1, 343-346.
Paper presented in National Seminar:
- VR Kothavale,(2000).Fabrication of devices. Presented paper at national seminar on Physics of Devices & modern applicationsorganized by department of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
- VR Kothavale,(2011).Combating cyber-crime: antiphishing, anti-fraud techniques. Presented paper at BCUD sponsored national seminar on Recent trends in network and mobile security organized by Prof. Ramkrishna More ACS college, Akurdi, Pune on 22, 23 & 24th2011.
- VR Kothavale,(2011).Combating the serious threats of cyber-crime. Presented paper at UGC sponsored national seminar on Impact of IT on formal education: a retrospective approachorganized by DayanandScience College, Latur on 19th 2011.
- VR Kothavale,SVenegurkar, (2011).Methods & protocols to secure TCP/IP to develop secure communication on internet. Presented paper at 3- day National Seminar- SiNCA 2011organized by Sinhgad School of Computer studies, Solapur in Mar. 2011.
- VR Kothavale,(2012).Virtual data center- a life beyond consolidation. Presented paper at UGC sponsored National level seminar on Future trends of information& communication technologies ICT – 2012organized by Sinhgad institute of management, Pune on15th to 17th 2012.
Paper presented in State level Conference:
- VR Kothavale,(2010).Communications satellite enroute information communication technology. Presented paper at BCUD sponsored State level Conference on Innovative Techniques in Communication skillsorganized by MamasahebMoholMahavidyalaya, Pune on 3rd& 4th 2010.
Paper presented in State level Seminar:
- VR Kothavale,PN Wani,(2016).Yoga toolbox- a boon to human being.Presented paper at State level seminar onYoga and youth development through NSS organized by PDEA’s Prof. R.M. College, Akurdi, Pune on 22-23 Jan. 2016.