Physics Department Research
Department Research
- A. Research Papers Published by Prin. Dr. Sharmila R. Chaudhari
1) “Structural and molecular study of Ayurvedic medicine Ashokarishta in ethanol at microwave frequency using time domain Reflectometry (TDR) Technique” ISBN 81-88342-44-0 Published in National conference of Microwave and Optoelectronics ((NCMO) 29th - 30th June, 2004
2) Temperature dependant dielectric relaxation study of Ayurvedic Medicine Saptarishta in Methanol at microwave frequency using time domain Reflectometry (TDR) Technique” ISBN 81-88342-44-0 Published in National conference of Microwave and Optoelectronics (NCMO) 29th - 30th June, 2004
3) Time domain Reflectometry (TDR) technique used for structural molecular study of Ayurvedic medicine Dashmularishta in ethanol at microwave freq. region ISBN 978-81-89927-19-6.Published in International conference on Microwave and Optoelectronics ( ICMO -2007) 17th -19th December 2007
4) Dielectric measurements of Ayurvedic medicine Punarnavarishta in Ethanol at microwave frequency region using TDR technique” ISBN -978-2-87487-005-7 Published in (EUMW – 2008) European Microwave week 2008: 25th –30th October 2008
5) “Application of microwave frequency of dielectric parameters for Ayurvedic medicines” at international journal of advance in management technology and engineering sciences ISSN NO 2249-VOL II (ISSUE 3(II)) DEC2012. Published in International research symposium on interdisciplinary approaches in management, Engg, and technology 7th -8thDecember 2012, Singapore
6) Speech Analysis of Throat Infected People Using DSO International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-3 Issue-4,Impact factor 1.0
7) Relaxation study at microwave frequency using time domain reflectometry, I International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE) ISSN: 2319–6378, Volume 1, Issue 11. Impact Factor 1.0
8) Thermodynamic parameters of medicine with ethanol International journal of scientific & engineering research(IJSER) ISSN 2229-5518, Volume 6,issue 5,may 2015
9) Dielectric parameters of medicine with methanol published in National conference on emerging trends in laser and advanced materials (ncetlam-2013) 28th - 29th October 2013
10) Dielectric relaxation study of Ayurvedic medicines Published in 2nd international conference on herbal and synthetic drug studies (HSDS 2014) 10th -12th February 2014
11) Molecular study of Indian Herbals at Microwave region using Time Domain Spectroscopy Published in International Conference on Functional Materials and Microwave Bionano Frontier, Page Number 341-344, ISSN :0974-0678, 28th -30th December 2015 Vol.8 Issue 3.
12) Thermoelectric properties of graphene and its application National conference on New trends and developments in Physics Published in Conference Proceeding Page no 22-27 ISBN : 978-93-5254-683-1
13) Microwave Spectroscopy for MolecularInteraction of Medicines Published in International Conference on Innovative trends in Chemical,Physical and Bioscience Conference Souvenir and e publication ISBN :978-93-84659-28-8; 9th -10th Februry 2016
14) Study of Biodiesel from Jatropa Published in International Conference on Innovative trends in Chemical,Physical and Bioscience Conference Souvenir and e publication ISBN :978-93-84659-28-8 ; 9th -10th February 2016
- Prof. Bharat Kangude.
- 'Use of ICT in assessment and accreditation under revised accreditation framework. RESEARCH JOURNEY’ International Multidisciplinary E- Research Journal Impact Factor - (SJIF) – 6.261, (CIF ) - 3.452(2015), (GIF)–0.676 (2013). Special Issue 193 (A) : Role of NAAC in the Educational Development of Higher Education in India ISSN : 2348-7143 September-2019
- Prof. Bharat Kangude and Dr. Satish Ekar
- Survey of energy consumption pattern and energy needs at village Dongargaon, Taluka Mulshi in Pune District in Village Baseline study of Doangargaon (Tal. Mulshi, Dist. Pune), Published by Success Publication, Pune, ISBN 978-93-89739-67-1
- Prof. Sanjeevani Bansode
- Book Title: Applications of One-dimensional nanometrials.
R.S. Choughule and R. S. Devan, American scientific publishers, USA 2019:
ISBN 1-58883-263-5
Chapter 9: Tin Oxide nanowaires and SnO2-RGO nanocomposite: Field electron emission investigations. Sanjeevani R. Bansode and others
- Facile, single step synthesis of CdS-RGO heterostructures and its photoenhanced field emission investigations, Sanjeevani R. Bansode and others Mater. Res. Express 3 (2016) 035602.
- Dr. Smita A. Lokare
1) S. A. Lokare and Y. B. Khollam “Dielectric properties and magnetoelectric effect of BaTiO3 -Ni0.94Co0.01Mn0.05Fe2O4 composites” J. Chemicals and physical Sciences 3(2015) 94-101.
2) S. A. Lokare and Y. B. Khollam “Structural and electrical properties of (1-x) Ni0.90Co0.05Mn0.05Fe2O4 + (x) BaTiO3 composites” J. Chemicals and physical Sciences 4 (2015) 60-68.
3) S. A. Lokare “Structural and electrical properties of BaTiO3 prepared by solid state route ” J. Chemicals and physical Sciences 4 (2015) 154-161.
4) S. A. Lokare, R. S. Devan, D. R. Patil, S. S. Chougule and B. K. Chougule “Studies on electrical properties of(x) BaTiO3 + (1-x) Ni0.92Co0.03Mn0.05Fe2O4 ME composites” J. Material Science and Engineering 18 (2007) 1211-1215
5) S. A. Lokare, D. R. Patil, and B. K. Chougule “Structural, dielectric and Magnetoelectric effect (x) BaTiO3 + (1-x) Ni0.93Co0.02Mn0.05Fe2O4 ME composites” J. Alloys and Compounds 453 (2008) 58–63
6) S. A. Lokare, D. R. Patil, R. S. Devan, S. S. Chougule, Y. D. Kolekar and B. K. Chougule “Electrical conduction, dielectric behaviour and magnetoelectric effect in (x)BaTiO3 + (1-x)Ni0.94Co0.01Mn0.05Fe2O4 ME composites” Material Research Bulletin 43 (2008) 326–332
7) S. A. Lokare, R. S. Devan and B. K. Chougule “Structural analysis and Electrical properties of ME composites” J. of Alloys and Compounds 454 (2008) 471–475.
8) S. A. Lokare, R. S. Devan, D. R. Patil, Y. D. Kolekar, K. K. Patankar and B. K. Chougule “Electrical properties of Ni0.93Co0.02Mn0.05Fe2O4 + BaTiO3 ME Composites” J. material science –Accepted
9) S. A. Lokare, R. S. Devan, D. R. Patil and B. K. Chougule “Electrical conduction, dielectric behaviour and magnetoelectric effect in (x)BaTiO3 + (1- x) Ni0.94Co0.01Mn0.05Fe2O4 ME composites” J. Phys and Chem. Solids 67 (2006) 1524–1530
10) D. R. Patil, S. A. Lokare, R. S. Devan, S. S. Chougule, Y. D. Kolekar and B. K. Chougule “Studies on electrical and dielectric properties of BaxSr1-xTiO3 J. Materials Chemistry & Physics- In Press
11) D. R. Patil, S. A. Lokare, R. S. Devan, S. S. Chougule, Y. D. Kolekar and B. K. Chougule “Dielectric properties and magnetoelectric effect of (x)NiFe2O4 + (1-x)Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 composites” J. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 68 (2007) 1522–1526
12) R. S. Devan, S. A. Lokare, D. R. Patil, S. S. Chougule Y. D. Kolekar and B. K. Chougule “Electrical conduction and magnetoelectric effect of (x)BaTiO3 + (1- x)Ni0.92Co0.03Cu0.05Fe2O4 composites in ferroelectric rich region” J. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (2006) 1524- 1530
13) R. S. Devan, C. M. Kanamadi, S. A. Lokare and B. K. Chougule “Electrical properties and magnetoelectric effect measurement in (x) Ni0.8Co0.2Fe2O4 +(1- x) Ba0.9Pb0.1Ti0.9Zr0.1O3 ME composites” Smart Materials and Structures - 15 (2006) 1877-1881.
- . Research Papers Published by Dr. Mahesh M. Kamble
Peer Reviewed International Journals:
1) Optical, Structural and Morphological Study of CdS Nanoparticles: Role of Sulphur Source
Mahesh M. Kamble, Sachin R. Rondhiya, Bharat R. Bade, Kiran B. Kore, Mamta P. Nasane, Nelson Y. Dzade, Adinath M. Funde, Sandesh R. Jadkar.
Nanomaterials and Energy (2020) Volume9, Issue 1, PP 1-10
2) Synthesis, characterization and study of cadmium sulphide (cds) films fabricated using chemical bath deposition method.
Mahesh Kamble, Bharat Bade, Sachin Rondiya, Subhash Pandharkar, Adinath Funde, Sandesh Jadkar
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5, 74-78
3) Synthesis of cubic nanocrystalline silicon carbide (3C-SiC) films by HW-CVD method
Mahesh Kamble, Vaishali Waman, Azam Mayabadi, Adinath Funde, Vasant Sathe, T. Shripathi, Habib Pathan, Sandesh Jadkar
Silicon 9 (03) 421-429 (2017)
4) Hydrogenated silicon-carbide (SiC:H) thin films prepared with high deposition rate by hot wire chemical vapor deposition (HW-CVD) method
- M. Kamble, V. S. Waman, A. H. Mayabadi, S. S. Ghosh, B. B. Gabhale, S. R. Rondiya, A. V. Rokade, S. S. Khadtare, V. G. Sathe, T. Shripathi, H. M. Pathan, S. W. Gosavi, S. R. Jadkar
Journal of Coatings Volume 2014, Article ID 905903 1-11 (2014)
5) High growth rate a-SiC:H films using ethane carbon source by HW-CVD method
Mahesh M. Kamble, Vaishali S. Waman, Sanjay S. Ghosh, Azam Mayabadi, Vasant G. Sathe, T. Shripathi, and Sandesh R. Jadkar
Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol. 36, No. 7 1177–1185 (2013)
6) Synthesis of Hydrogenated Nanocrystalline Silicon Films by HW-CVD without Hydrogen Dilution of Silane
- M. Kamble, Pramod M. R., V. S. Waman, A. M. Funde, V. G. Sathe, S. W. Gosavi, S.R. Jadkar
AIP Conf. Proc 1391 746-748 (2011)
7) Investigation of growth mechanism for highly oriented TiO2 nanorods: the role of reaction time and annealing temperature
Bharat R. Bade, Sachin Rondiya, Somnath R. Bhopale, Nelson Y. Dzade, Mahesh M. Kamble, Avinash Rokade, Mamta P. Nasane, Mahendra A. More, Sandesh R. Jadkar, Adinath M. Funde
Springer Nature (SN) Applied Sciences (2019) 1:1073
8) Evolution of microstructural properties of hydrogenated protocrystalline silicon (PC-SI:H) thin films deposited by hw-cvd
- S. Waman, M. M. Kamble, S. W. Gosavi, S. R. Jadkar Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 65-69
9) The effect of thiourea quantity variation on structural and optical properties of cds films deposited using cbd technique
Bharat Bade, Mahesh Kamble, Sachin Rondiya, Subhash Pandharkar, Kiran Kore, Haribhau Borate, Sandesh Jadkar, Adinath Funde JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 79-83 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
10) Effect of calcination on structural, morphological and photoelectrochemical performance of SnO2/TiO2 nanocomposite films for solar cells
Azam Mayabadi, Amit Pawbake, Sachin Rondiya, Avinash Rokade, Ravindra Waykar, Rupali Kulkarni, Ashok Jadhavar, Mahesh Kamble, Bharat Gabhale, Vaishali Waman, Vasant Sathe, Habib Pathan, Sandesh Jadkar
Thin Solid Films 589 493–502 (2015)
11) Effect of Xe dilution on structural, electrical and optical properties of nanocrystalline Si films deposited by HW-CVD method
Vaishali S. Waman, Azam H. Mayabadi, Mahesh M. Kamble, Bharat B. Gabhale, Adinath M. Funde, Vasant G. Sathe, Habib M. Pathan, Sandesh R. Jadkar
Adv. Mater. Lett. 6(7) 585-591 (2015)
12) Evolution of microstructure and opto-electrical properties in boron doped nc-Si:H films deposited by HW- CVD method
V.S. Waman, M.M. Kamble, S.S. Ghosh, A.H. Mayabadi, B.B. Gabhale, S.R. Rondiya, A.V. Rokade, S.S. Khadtare, V.G. Sathe, H.M. Pathan, S.W. Gosavi, S.R. Jadkar
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 585 523-528 (2014)
13) Evolution of structural and optical properties of routile Tio2 thin films synthesized at room temperature by chemical bath deposition method.
- H. Mayabadi, V. S. Waman, M. M. Kamble, S. S. Ghosh, B. B. Gabhale, S. R. Rondiya, A. V. Rokade, S. S. Khadtare, V. G. Sathe, H. M. Pathan, S. W. Gosavi, S. R. Jadkar
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75 182-187 (2014)
14) Influence of helium dilution of silane on microstructure and opto-electronic properties of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) thin films deposited by HW-CVD
- S. Waman, M. M. Kamble, S. S. Ghosh, R. R. Hawaldar, D. P. Amalnerkar, V. G. Sathe, S. W. Gosavi, S. R. Jadkar
Materials Research Bulletin Volume 47, Issue 11 3445–3451 (2012)
15) Highly conducting phosphorous doped n-type nc-Si:H films by HW-CVD for c-Si heterojunction solar cell
Vaishali S. Waman, Mahesh M. Kamble, Sanjay S. Ghosh, Azam Mayabadi, Vasant. G. Sathe, Habib M. Pathan, Shashikant D. Shinde, Kiran P. Adhi and Sandesh R. Jadkar
RSC Advance 2 9873–9880 (2012)!divAbstract
16) Highly Conducting Phosphorous Doped nc-Si:H Thin Films Deposited at High Deposition Rate by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition Method
- S. Waman, M. M. Kamble, S. S. Ghosh, Azam Mayabadi, V. G. Sathe, D. P. Amalnekar, H. M. Pathan, and S. R. Jadkar
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 1–8, (2012)
17) Boron doped nc-Si:H window layer prepared by HW-CVD for solar cell applications
Pramod M. R., M. M. Kamble, V. S. Waman, A. M. Funde, S. P. Gore, K. R. Patil, V. G. Sathe, S. W. Gosavi, S. R. Jadkar
International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 6 521-526 (2012)
18) Fine-Tuning of relative fraction of amorphous and crystalline phases in Si:H prepared by PE- CVD method
- M. Funde, V. S. Waman, M. M. Kamble, Pramod M. R., V. G. Sathe, S. W. Gosavi, S. R. Jadkar
Energy Procedia 15 229 – 239 (2012)
19) Bulk-heterojunction morphology control during spin coating: Modelling diffusion assisted phase separation
- S. Ghosh, G. S. Lonkar, M. S. Mahajan, S. R. Jadkar, V. S. Waman. M. M. Kamble, V. Ganesan, and J. V. Sali
Applied Physics Letters 101 173305 (2012)
20) Influence of deposition parameters on microstructure and opto-electrical properties of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon films by HW-CVD
- S. Waman, M. M. Kamble, Pramod M. R., S. P. Gore, A. M. Funde, R. R.Hawaldar, D. P. Amalnerkar, V. G. Sathe, S. W. Gosavi, S. R. Jadkar
Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 357 3616-3622 (2011)
21) Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon thin films by hot wire chemical method with varied process pressure
- S. Waman, M. M. Kamble, Pramod M. R., A. M. Funde, R. R.Hawaldar, D. P. Amalnerkar, V. G. Sathe, S. W. Gosavi, S. R. Jadkar
Journal of Nanotechnology 2011 1-10 doi:10.1155/2011/242398 (2011)
22) Nanostructured hydrogenerated silicon films by hot wire chemical vapor deposition: The influence of substrte temperature on material properties
- S. Waman, M. M. Kamble, Pramod M. R., A. M. Funde, V. G. Sathe, S. W. Gosavi, S. R. Jadkar.
Journal of Nano. Electron. Phys. 3/1 590-600 (2011)
23) Structural and optical investigations of nc-Si:H thin films prepared by hot wire method
- S. Waman, M. M. Kamble, Pramod M. R., A. M. Funde, V. G. Sathe, S. W. Gosavi, S. R. Jadkar
AIP Conf. Proc. 1391 155-157 (2011)
24) Boron doped p-type hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon films by hot wire chemical vapor deposition
Pramod M. R., M. M. Kamble, V. S. Waman, S. P. Gore, G. R. Roze, A. M. Funde, V. G. Sathe, S. R. Jadkar
AIP Conf. Proc. 1391 517-519 (2011)
25) Inter-electrode separation induced amorphous-to-nanocrystalline transition of hydrogenated silicon prepared by capacitively coupled PE-CVD method.
- M. Funde, V. S. Waman, M. M. Kamble, Pramod M. R., S. W. Gosavi and S. R. Jadkar,
- Nano-Electron. Physics 3 651-661 (2011)
26) Role of argon in hot wire chemical vapor deposition of hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon thin films
N.A. Bakr, A.M. Funde, V.S. Waman, M.M. Kamble, R.R. Hawaldar, D.P. Amalnerkar, V.G. Sathe, S.W. Gosavi, S.R. Jadkar
Thin Solid Films 519 3501–3508 (2011)
27) Influence of deposition pressure on structural, optical and electrical properties of nc-Si:H films deposited by HW-CVD
N.A. Bakr, A.M. Funde, V.S. Waman, M.M. Kamble, R.R. Hawaldar, D.P. Amalnerkar, V.G. Sathe, S.W. Gosavi, S.R. Jadkar
- Phys. Chem. Solids 72 685–691 (2011)
28) Determination of the optical parameters of a-Si:H thin films deposited by HW-CVD technique using transmission spectrum only
N.A. Bakr, A.M. Funde, V.S. Waman, M.M. Kamble, R.R. Hawaldar, D.P. Amalnerkar, V.G.Sathe, S.W. Gosavi, S.R. Jadkar,
PRAMANA-Journal of Physics, 76 1–13 (2011)